A date outside? So 2020… This year, for your very own lockdown Valentine’s day, we want a date with the one that matters the most! The one that’s never disappointed us… Our wardrobe of course!
Since most of us will be spending Valentine’s day at home, we thought it was the perfect time to express love by giving some to our wardrobe. This Valentine’s day, we wanted to give back to our clothes and give them the TLC they need. Our in-app features have also received a (temporary) makeover, with names such as “Carbon Offsetxy” or “Give Your Heart… And Clothes”. Keep reading for a few ideas of how you can give more love to your wardrobe.
During this lockdown Valentine’s day, it is the perfect occasion to be proactive for the soon to come post-lockdown. Create some outfits you are excited to wear after lockdown and share them with your friends or even with us for a repost on our account. We would also love to see a piece of clothing you haven’t worn in a while seduce you again, so try to make some outfits with clothes you have forsaken, you might just be the perfect pair!
One of the best ways to show love to your clothes and wardrobe is to repair clothes you were constantly wearing but that might have some bobbles or a little tear in the fabric. According to Wrap UK, “extending the life of clothes by just nine extra months of active use would reduce carbon, water and waste footprints by around 20-30% each”. By using our repair services, not only are you loving your clothes and able to wear them again, but you’re also loving the planet!
Though some of your clothes might be in great condition, sometimes a long stay in the wardrobe can lead to them being less than fresh. To give a little extra TLC to them (Tender, love and cleaning), go to the cleaning tab in our app and choose one of our cleaning services. With the current situation, we even have a sanitisation and deodourisation service that can be useful before you jump into the arms of your secondhand purchase.
In order to express your love to your clothes, you can plan out a fun Valentine’s day evening of upcycling your own clothes, using a bit of a broken necklace to add some pearls to your tshirt or your jeans, embroidering some hearts on your jacket… the possibilities are endless! SYW can help you out with that. Go to our empower your wardrobe tab and learn how you can upcycle your clothes and rekindle your relationship with items you haven’t worn in forever.
While giving more care to your wardrobe, you might have plucked up quite a few items that you would want to modify in order for them to be a perfect fit for your personality. With our customisation services, you can ask for any customisation you may like. For instance, since it’s Valentine’s day, you might want some hearts on your air force ones. Just book the service with Shoespa through our app.
Now we’ve given you a few ideas, but you might be looking for something new, something different, something that you haven’t loved before. Here too, Save Your Wardrobe can be your wingman. For shopping, we want you to protect yourself and the planet, so of course, we will be shopping responsibly. Through our partners Good on You and Thrift+ you will be able to love some new clothes while giving your wardrobe a serious environmental glow up.
I hope we gave you a few ideas of how you can give more love to your clothes, wardrobe and the planet at the same time. Keep a close eye on our social media accounts, where we are going to continue spreading the love and don’t forget to share or tag us so we can see what activities you were up to on SYW this Valentine’s.
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